According to a group of current and former CMOS, addressing the issue all comes down to trust: from other executives, from consumers, and from CMOS themselves with their own recent hires. 对现任和前任首席营销官们的调查显示,解决问题的核心是信任问题:信任来源于其他高管、客户、首席营销官们本身以及新晋员工。
What the Senate's IT group didn't realize is that while evolving their practices and tools to handle dynamic queries, they would adopt a new approach to addressing database performance. 参议院的IT团队没有认识到的是,在不断改进他们的实践和工具来处理动态查询的过程中,他们已在采用一种新方法来解决数据库性能问题。
40. We welcome the establishment of the Open Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs), in line with the Rio+ 20 Outcome Document which reaffirmed the Rio Principles of Sustainable Development as the basis for addressing new and emerging challenges. 40、我们欢迎可持续发展目标开放工作组的成立,这符合里约+20大会通过的重申可持续发展原则是应对新挑战基础的成果文件。
One of the results of this difference is that in China people are more often addressed according to their role in a group, or their relationship to the person addressing them. 在中国,人们在被别人称呼的时候,通常根据他们在一个群体中所担任的角色或者与称呼他们的人的关系;
The type of group you will be addressing will effect how you will speak to them. 你所演讲群体的反映取决于你演讲的方式。
Since 1996, the first WTO Ministerial Declaration has announced the establishment of the WTO Working Group on the interaction between Trade and Competition Policy, and then the WTO members have been unanimous in the importance of addressing the international anti-competitive practices. 自从1996年WTO第1届部长级会议宣布建立竞争与贸易工作组以来,各成员方就国际反竞争行为的危害逐渐达成了一些共识。
Design and Deployment of QoS Based on DiffServ in Group Addressing IP Network IP分组网中基于DiffServ的QoS技术策略及部署
Group work born of the Western developed countries; in addressing population issues are often able to play an important role, producing good results. 小组工作产生于西方发达国家,在解决群体性问题中往往能发挥重要的作用,产生良好的效果。